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Rubber Extrusion Production Line

There are many products that can be produced by the rubber extrusion and vulcanization production line. Most extrusion products can be used for production, but the equipment used for different products is also different. However, what they have in common is that they use a rubber extruder for extrusion production, and use a hot air vulcanization box or vulcanization tank for vulcanization and shaping. Common extrusion products include rubber sealing strips, rubber pipes, wires, cables and even automobile tires are extruded with rubber extruders. However, the vulcanization method should be selected according to the actual needs of the product, and the model of the rubber extruder should also be selected according to the size of the product. Like the sealing strip, it is generally vulcanized online with a hot air vulcanization box, and the rubber tube needs to be selected according to the type of hose when extruding. Generally, the single-layer tube is vulcanized online with a hot air vulcanization box, and the middle clamp The hose is vulcanized with an electric vulcanizer.

We have more than 18 years of experience in producing and exporting different kinds of rubber and plastic machinery. With advanced technology and experience, we produce rubber and plastic machines.

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